30 December 2006

Half the speed...Twice the pain

Today was my first ride in 3 weeks. Every year I swear to myself that I won't throw December away and start all over again after Christmas, and every year I do it anyway. I'm already resolving to be more disciplined next December. On the other hand, I once again had the opportunity to test the P-32 Fitness theory. I can call this experiment in deterioration of form a success.

I left the house this morning under cloudy and breezy skies, bundled up to stay warm and hurrying to make it to the shop across town where the boys were meeting for the ride start. I got there in plenty of time, fighting a head-wind the entire way.

We left and headed out to run the Tuesday Night Worlds route. The pace seemed easy enough through the neighborhoods, but every couple of blocks it would notch up just a touch. By the time we hit Ruffner Road, we were running just a touch under Summertime pace and flying along, up and down and over the rollers. At some point, (exactly where that point was is still somewhat hazy to me, as I was cross-eyed keeping up) everyone remembered that this was December, not July, and that it wouldn't look uncool to ride slowly. Or at least, more slowly than we were.

The only problem with this theory is that I (and presumably, others in the group) discovered that, particularly on the hills, going half the normal speed, hurts just as badly as going fast, and lasts twice as long.

Needless to say, for the remainder of my renewed efforts at training will be either on flat roads, or I will put in real effort on the hills.


Anonymous said...

What is the P-32 Fitness theory?

tkp said...

The P-32 Fitness Theory

Basics: P-32 has a half life of 14.3 days. Greg Lemond says that you lose half of your fitness every two weeks you are inactive.

Anonymous said...

That explains my current shape (a pear) after about a month of inactivity. I've got 15 lbs to lose all over again.