05 January 2007

My date with destiny

Okay, that's probably just a little dramatic, but hey, it got you to read didn't it?

June 16, 2007. Tellico Plains, Tennessee. The Cherohala Challenge. My goal? 7 hours or better.

Now that it's in writing, I'm committed. (Heck, I've even been known to write down, as goals, stuff that I've already done, just to have accomplishments written down...so take that for what it's worth).

My rollers are calling me..."...come let us hurt you, we'll make you strong, we'll make you efficient."

That's nice, but I'm really just hoping you'll make me faster. Because if I'm going to finish CC in under 7, I'm going to have to fly on the 40 miles before the climbing starts, and still have strength left for the other 75 miles.

Training in earnest starts yesterday.